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Friday, 25 November 2011

difference between me && other gurl :(

i knew im not as beautiful as them. .
i knew im not kind as them. .
i knew im not as beautiful pieces like other. .
i knew im not as cute as them. .

they're great. .
they're beautiful. .
they have what perfect lady should have. .
but me? i have nothing. .

i try to be perfect but i cant. .
myb i should STOP trying and accept what i have now. .
and abbsolutely i should stop loving someone who doesnt love me. .
who always giving me hope. .
hope that there is no answer. .

is it the ground for eu to insult me?
or is it the ground for eu to broke my heart?
i didnt understand why should be me to accept this condition. .

plz read this. .K.I.C.I

thaxx for reading. .muahx aww~!

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