sepanjang umur saya xD

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
welcome to my MR. BLOGGIE muax awww~!

family picture :) LOL

Keluarga terbaik saya :D

This is a real me :)

This is my big family :)

This is my father, Mr. Bistamee bin Mohalin 

This is my mom, Madam Rusiah binti Mohd. Yusof

This my eldest sister, Mrs. Rozita binti Bistamee

This is my second sister, Madam Rashidah Elfha binti Bistamee
This is my brother, Mr. Muhammad Razif Alfhie binti Bistamee

sibligs :p
with Rizki :)
rapat :D
sisters .

thaxx for reading. .muahx aww~!